Networking can help you develop strong connections and accomplish your professional and personal objectives. Here are some ideas for expanding your network.
A Guide to Student Budgeting
Being a student can be difficult when it comes to budgeting. In this guide, we’ll look at some of the best strategies for student budgeting.
How to avoid burn out
What is burnout? Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. It can occur when you experience long-term stress in your job or have worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long time. Burnout is a word that we...
Press Release | A platform for YOUth
This year AIESEC in The Netherlands is organizing its second Youth Speak Forum on the 29th of April in the Lighthouse in The Hague. Want to find out more about the event? Keep reading about Benjamins experience of attending last year's Youth Speak Forum! What is Youth...
How you can make an impact on your local environment
In order to contribute to making a change we have to start small. Think about your own community or city. Think local. In this blogpost I want to give you some tips on how you can help make a positive change for your community or city.
My NST Blog experience
How my AIESEC experience started After one year of being part of AIESEC in Tilburg, I was far from done with AIESEC experience. However, I also felt like I should continue my studies before devoting another year solely to this organization. Therefore, I decided to...
The beauty of core values
“I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values, and follow my own moral compass, then the only expectations I need to live up to are my own.” Michelle Obama Once you join AIESEC, you will soon be asked to define your team values, LC values, or...
How to deal with disappointments?
This is not another Corona-blog. However, as I am writing this piece, I cannot stop thinking about the current pandemic that is happening in the world. Almost everyone in the world has been affected, whether it is large or small. Here in the Netherlands, the biggest...
Collaboration in a culturally diverse team
"Cultural diversity is beautiful and can enhance your organization or your team!" Every organization or company has its own typical culture. A culture can be described as tacit knowledge, which means that it is context-specific, and not easy to transfer the knowledge...
Teaching Simon
A couple of years ago, my mother asked me if I wanted tutor Simon, a boy living across the street. His mother had approached mine because this little boy has had 6 different tutors that year alone already, but none of them were able to explain math to him. Curious as...
Welcome to the start-up hub
We all know by now that the start-up world is a very exciting one to work in. Yet, it always seemed a bit farfetched for me to be an entrepreneur and start working for myself. But is this feeling justified? I now think that, once you have a good idea of what you are...
It is okay to be different
When you look up normal in the dictionary, this (or anything similar) is the definition that you will get. Although this definition probably wouldn’t surprise you, it is still a pretty vague description. Who decides what is the conforming standard, usual, typical, or...
5 Tips to Give a Training that Sticks
5 tips to give a training or workshop that sticks "Public speaking is a skill you can learn!" It’s something that most of us have had to do one way or another dozens of times: public speaking. Whether it’s a presentation in class, giving a training or speaking at a...
The Top 5 Secrets to Successful Time Management
The Top 5 Secrets to Successful Time Management It’s one of these things that you’re either simply good at, or that you can’t seem to wrap your head around: time management. But why is time management - something that is crucial in nearly everything you do - such an...
What does it mean to ‘’Develop your entrepreneurial skills?’’
Entrepreneurial skills are a bit of an undefined skillset - many people define these skills differently. Examples of them that are often mentioned are: willingness to learn, ability to listen, creativity, courage, risk-taking, good communication and sales, but there...
5 redenen om vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland te doen
Tegenwoordig heb je als jongvolwassenen honderden opties om je zomer door te komen. Je kunt op zuipvakantie naar Lloret, Ibiza of Sunny Beach. Je kunt de hele zomer gaan werken. Of je reist het hele land door om festivals te pakken. Maar steeds meer jongeren kiezen er...
Why do we need entrepreneurial leadership?
“Since its inception, IE Business School has embraced the entrepreneurial spirit as a core value, and is now an international reference in the field of entrepreneurship” ( What AIESEC and IE Business School have in common is the commitment...
Transformational vs Transactional Leadership
Transformational or transactional leadership? Is one better than the other? The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by the expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen...
TEDx talks on World Peace
In our world seemingly small things like intolerance and misunderstanding differences have caused large-scale conflict, destruction and even wars. With that in mind, world peace can seem like an impossible thing. Despite that, we at AIESEC interpret it a little...
Tussenjaar? Zó vul je dat in!
Je hoort het steeds vaker: mensen die een tussenjaar nemen tijdens, of na, hun bachelor. Niet heel gek vinden wij. Wanneer je aan één stuk door studeert, ben je namelijk al op vroege leeftijd student af. Dat klinkt misschien aantrekkelijk, maar er zitten de nodige...
5 redenen om een bestuursjaar te doen
Je hoort het wel vaker: studenten die zeggen dat het gat tussen werken na de studie en het studeren zelf toch wel erg groot is. De verantwoordelijkheid neemt enorm toe en ineens wordt er van je verwacht dat je allerlei kwaliteiten in de praktijk kan toepassen. Denk...
De 6 meest inspirerende leiders van de 20e eeuw
Wie waren de meest invloedrijke en inspirerende leiders van de vorige eeuw? Wie hebben ons dagelijks denken of manier van leven dusdanig veranderd dat we nu nog regelmatig naar deze personen verwijzen? Wij zetten onze top 6 voor je op een rijtje. 1. Albert Einstein...