6 tips for Effective Communication | AIESEC in The Netherlands

6 tips for Effective Communication

Have you ever wondered how effective your communication is? No matter if you believe that you are an expert or an amateur of communication, improving your ability to communicate is an endless process. In this blog, you will find 6 fundamental ways that will help you communicating more effectively throughout your life.

Think of your nonverbal

When thinking about communication, most people tempt to forget the nonverbal part. Nonverbal communication is notably composed of the tone of your voice, your movements and gestures, your eye contact, your posture, your facial expressions, and your personal appearance. Studies have shown that a listener will remember the speaker mainly through his physical cues. Therefore, don’t forget to use an open body language and do not hesitate to emphasize your nonverbal signals in order to complement the verbal.

Listen to others

Another aspect to remember is that communication is not only about what you say or how you behave, it is also about listening. In order to communicate well, you need to understand how the other person is feeling. People generally share if they feel heard, and for this, you should show empathy towards them. Do not interrupt others and show that you are interested in their emotions.

Communicate clearly

The third tip is to communicate clearly. When talking fast or vaguely, the listener will hear you but will not get the message you’re trying to share. Therefore, try to speak slower and articulate the words. Having a good grammar and vocabulary also helps, as the messages will be more accurate if you use the right words and tenses. I would recommend recording yourself and then listening to it. Another fun way to improve is by practicing saying tongue twisters!

Manage your stress

How many times have you regretted saying something wrong due to stress? It is totally normal! A lot of us naturally get stressed when communicating. However, by managing your stress, you will not only have fewer regrets but also better exchanges. The best tips to stay calm are to take a deep breath, focus on your goal, and not to be afraid.

Take your time

Stress is not the only factor that can prevent you from communicating correctly; talking too fast also can. Indeed, before expressing your ideas, take time to think about them. Saying the wrong thing or at the wrong time can damage your speech. Silence is not bad. It is safer to pause than saying random things to avoid this silence. You should not hesitate to take a moment to collect your thoughts.

Be confident

Finally, be c.o.n.f.i.d.e.n.t. By being assertive and taking the 5 previous tips into account, you will increase your self-esteem, and this will be reflected in your communication. Be truthful with others and respect your listener. You will consequently overthink less, and you will speak loudly and clearly. I am convinced that you can do it!

You are now ready to nail your next conversation and know the in’s and out’s of effective communication! I count on you to impress your next listener(s).

This post was written by AIESEC in the Netherlands. We offer international voluntary projects and professional internships with the aim of developing leadership in youth. 

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