Lenny Muller Lenny, Author at AIESEC in The Netherlands - Page 7 of 16

Lenny Muller Lenny

Een groen paspoort

Een groen paspoort

Waar droom je van? Ik vind het altijd super interessant mensen deze vraag te stellen. Ik ben nieuwsgierig naar dromen, en hou er van als mensen iets onverwachts antwoorden. Mensen beginnen te stralen als ze over hun droom vertellen. En als ze niet precies weten wat ze...

The impact of being a volunteer…

The impact of being a volunteer…

Because I’m always eager to give something back to the world, I decided I wanted to do volunteer work in another country. For me this is also the best way to really get to know a country and its culture. People had told me that AIESEC is the perfect organization for...

An experience to never forget!

An experience to never forget!

It’s October 28, 2017. I’m getting off my plane at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City. For the past six weeks I had an amazing time backpacking in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Although I visited beautiful locations and had the time of my life, I felt like I was in a...