3 Inspiring TED talks on inequality

3 Inspiring TED talks on inequality

Inequality is a state of not being equal. This can occur in many ways and causes several social and welfare issues. Think about not being equal in status, rights, pay, living standards or opportunities. This inequality can be caused by various factors. The country you were born in. Your gender and other factors. Corona, unfortunately, has not made this situation better. According to the OECD, income and wealth inequality is at its highest level for the past half century. Inequality goes along with shorter life spans, more crime and less happiness. It is thus extremely important to reduce inequality in every sort of way.

TED talks are showcases for speakers who want to present their inspiring and well-formed ideas in a short time (18 minutes or less). In such TED talks, speakers aim to inform and inspire you about a certain topic of interest. Therefore we’ve pulled together some inspiring TED talks for you to watch about inequality. The speakers in these videos describe their view on inequality. But also what the world needs in order to change this. Let these people inspire you, to create new ways of thinking about inequality and the road to changing this.


A psychological view on inequality

Keith Payne – psychologist explains that as people, we constantly compare ourselves to others. This has an important influence on inequality and political division. Often people who feel left behind are also not participating in politics. They often are not even voting. This means that if this cycle will not be broken, the people left behind will always stay on the less wealthy side of society. Watch it here.


Digitalisation and inequity

Francois Candelon – artificial intelligence and digital researcher explains how the digital transformation has led to the rise of inequality. According to him, the big digital titans hold all the power and this increases inequality. To make this power more balanced, governments should stimulate digital disruption. This entails that there would be a transformation of the big global power more locally and balanced. The power would then not be with the digital titans, but within the countries itself. Watch it here.


The (unconscious) ignorance about inequality

Dan Ariely – psychology and behavioral economics professor explains that his research shows that people often actually don’t know how unequal (or equal) the world is. There is a big difference between what people think is the situation, the ideal and actual situation. He calls this the veil of ignorance. In our own experiences, we need to be aware of what is real and what we think is real. Watch it here.

These TedTalks provide great insight into how inequality arises and how it is maintained. Let these inspire you to think about this for yourself. If you understand what is happening, you might also have a better view on how you are able to change this. These small steps we take together can create a great impact!


Hi! My name is Bonnie, I’m 22 years old and currently I am the Product Manager of the Marketing Team in Twente. How people, circumstances and events shape the world and what we can get out of that, has always had my interest. As a result of my AIESEC time I’m using this experience to learn more about how we as individuals can have a great impact.

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