6 Ways To Improve Your Productivity

6 Ways to Improve Your Productivity

Ugh, Corona, right? I mean, it has been going through our conversations all year. And this small thing has kept us home for such a long time. OH MY GOD! I felt like my brain had lost its will to work for the longest time. However, this blog will hopefully help you to slowly bring your productivity back in this corona time!


Okay so, I’m from Vietnam and man, there is so much sunlight over there. I was always out hanging with my friends and doing stuff. And then I moved to the Netherlands a few years ago, and a half of that year, I would literally just sit in my room, watch movies and eat. And kids, that was how I gained 10kg in 1 year. Bottom line is, get enough sunshine, otherwise, supplement vitamin D to keep your brain happy and your energy up!

2. Wake up early and happy!

I know, it does not really make sense. I mean, you need to be productive to wake up early, right? But just hear me out. One of the best ways to start your day is to get up early and eat a healthy breakfast.

CEOs and other successful people have similar morning routines, which include exercising and quickly scanning their inboxes to find the most urgent tasks. If all the CEOs can do it, us CEOs wannabe- s can do it too!

3. Prioritize productivity

Now, we have woken up, we are full and happy. But where to start? Yes, that is where you need to bring out the organizing skills in you. List out everything you need to do and the deadlines and which one is the hardest and based on that, rate the urgency of the tasks, divide the time to work on each tasks throughout the day!

4. Take breaks

The average attention span for adults is usually 1 to 2 hours. Depending on your own experience with the attention span, take small breaks for 10 to 15 minutes between sessions. Stand up, get out of wherever you were sitting, take a stroll downstairs, get a cup of coffee or if you cannot drink coffee like me, tea or hot chocolate for cold winter days is the best.

5. Do not multitask

I do not know how many times I have lost the interest to do one thing to move to another and eventually lost my way back to the previous task. So please, stay focussed on ONE thing at a time. If not needed, leave your phone out of reach while you are working. 

“BUT what if I got an idea for the other task while I was doing this task?” NOTE IT DOWN on your notebooks, phones, tablets (I highly recommend working with pen and paper though) then get back to your current task.

6. Celebrate

Okay, finally, celebrate your productive day. This is a very important task to encourage yourself working productively next time. Also, reflect on what you have read, written or learned about yourself today.

I really hope this blog has given you the right tools to build a productive working routine! Goodluck applying these tips in life and as people say in Dutch “veel success”!

Thanks for reading Claire’s blog about productivity! Do you want to learn more about time management? Read this blog by Petra!


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