A collaboration between AIESEC and Hospi Housing is a fact. Picture yourself diving into an international internship or volunteer opportunity where every day is an exciting new adventure waiting to unfold. An experience like this is not just about learning new skills...
Exchange in Sri Lanka
My time in Sri Lanka The most incredible and heart-warming experience I had this summer, was working at a school in Sri Lanka. The school specializes in teaching children with autism and down syndrome. An exceptional aspect to mention about the school, is that the...
Viel Spaß in Graz, Austria!
An Austrian Adventure My AIESEC experience, an internship with a startup company in the city Graz in the southeast of Austria, started with the longest Flixbus ride I had ever taken. While sitting in the bus I had plenty of time to imagine how my experience was going...
What can an international professional experience teach you?
Living and working abroad can be challenging and starting such an experience on your own can be scary: you will have to get comfortable with a new way of living, make new friends and break with your comfortable routines. But an international professional experience...
Werken in het buitenland: 10 verschillende manieren van zakendoen
Een baan in het buitenland; een unieke ervaring die niet alleen goed op een cv staat maar ook voor de rest van het leven bij blijft. Daarom hebben wij vast verschillende zakelijke protocollen op een rijtje gezet waardoor jij er straks nóg meer uit springt bij jouw...
5 tips voor je eerste stagedag
Je hebt je stage in de pocket, maar nu is het tijd om jezelf te bewijzen en de ideale stagiair te zijn! Begin jij binnenkort aan je eerste stagedag? Lees dan hier 5 tips om de eerste dag vlekkeloos te laten verlopen! 1. Neem initiatief Alhoewel alles op de eerste dag...
Studeren in het buitenland of stage in het buitenland? De voordelen van een stage.
Misschien heb je dat nog niet overwogen, maar dit is zeker (ook) een geweldige verrijking van je studententijd. In deze blog lees je waarom!
When Can I Go on Exchange Again?
Traveling alone or going on exchange to another country might be one of the things you want to do during your student time or before you get a serious job. Exploring new places and meeting new people are certainly a fun experience and contribute to your personal...
How to… A cover letter
Once you have found that perfect internship and are ready to apply for the position, you have to make sure that your application package is just as perfect. That package definitely includes your resume and a cover letter. But how do you write that cover letter? Here...
Does going abroad with AIESEC really change you?
Does going abroad with AIESEC really change you? That’s a question which is hard to answer because not only every exchange but also every person is different. Depending on why you want to go abroad (volunteering, internships...), and your expectations, you will have...
4 belangrijke skills die je ontwikkelt tijdens een stage in het buitenland
Een stage in het buitenland is de ideale manier om jezelf professioneel te ontwikkelen. Het is een plek om op jezelf te reflecteren -hoe presenteer ik mijzelf- en je hebt de mogelijkheid om tijdens je stage te vallen en weer op te staan, nog voordat het echte werkende...
Study Abroad or Internship Abroad?
. Exploring new places and meeting new people are certainly a fun experience and contribute to your personal development. Many students realise this by studying abroad for half a year. Another option is to do a practical exchange in the form of an internship or volunteering job.
My Experience in Ghana
In the summer of 2019 I participated in the Medicine Project, organised by AIESEC. I got the chance to go to Ghana for 6 weeks to experience the culture and work at the hospital there. Before I left I was already in contact with people from AIESEC in Ghana. They...
Am I qualified to go abroad with AIESEC?
Yes, more likely than not, you are! Anyone interested in having a cross-cultural exchange with AIESEC is younger than 30 years and can finance the experience can go abroad with AIESEC! Cross-cultural exchange AIESEC believes in promoting peace and fulfilment of...
How can Global Talent boost your career?
What is Global Talent? Let's start by explaining what a Global Talent project is. A Global Talent (GT) is an internship for young people aiming towards professional career development in a global setting. It is the perfect choice for you when you want to kick-off or...
4 Reasons Why You Should Work Abroad
1. Personal Growth To move overseas or to work abroad temporarily is great at ripping you out of your comfort zone. Change isn’t something that is comfortable for us as humans, but we do know that it’s good for us. At what other time will you grow as much as when you...