5 reasons to volunteer in Guatemala - AIESEC in The Netherlands

5 reasons to volunteer in Guatemala

My name is Gwen, and this year I got the opportunity to travel to Guatemala to check out AIESEC’s volunteer projects. I fell in love with the country, its culture, and I was amazed by the enthusiasm and dedication of the local AIESECers to make their country a better place. So here are five reasons why I think you should volunteer in Guatemala this summer!

Live as a local!

Guatemala is a fascinating and beautiful country that attracts many travellers. But living and working in the country will show you Guatemala’s true essence. If you volunteer, you will be in touch with locals every single day, and you will get to experience the real Guatemaltecan way of life.

Have a measurable impact as a volunteer

By volunteering with AIESEC, you will contribute to projects that are directly contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, all of AIESEC’s projects are organized by locals. Which means that you will be working for causes that are relevant to the local reality. Together with the locals and a group of international volunteers from all over the world you can have a measurable impact on a cause that you are passionate about.

Learn Spanish

Have you always wanted to be fluent in Spanish? Volunteering and living in Guatemala for six weeks will definitely improve your language skills big time. And did you know that the Spanish accent in Guatemala is one of the cleanest and easiest to understand in Latin America? This means you will feel confident to chat to the locals very quickly!

our global volunteer participant in guatemala with flag and friends

Discover the country off the beaten path

Most of AIESEC’s projects in Guatemala take place in smaller communities, places usually not visited by tourists. This means that you will discover parts of Guatemala that will remain hidden for most travellers. It also means that you will be able to directly witness the impact that you are having! These communities will welcome you with open arms, and after six weeks you will feel like one of the locals.

Explore a truly fascinating country and culture

Guatemala is a beautiful country. From volcanoes, colonial cities, caribbean beaches, rainforests, to ancient Mayan ruins – the country has a lot to offer! But more than that, Guatemaltecas are very welcoming and are proud to show you their country. By volunteering in Guatemala, you will not only get to know the country’s nature and culture, you will also contribute to making it a better place for future generations.

Interested? Sign-up here or read more about AIESEC volunteers abroad here.

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