Lenny Muller Lenny | AIESEC in The Netherlands

Lenny Muller Lenny

Feminism and Islam

Feminism and Islam

Feminism and Islam – a combination that seems to boil from tension. I know how difficult this topic can be: I am a Pakistani girl, grew up in Germany and live in the Netherlands. To analyze this topic, I went to Morocco for 6 weeks to interview people. In the last few...

A message to our generation

A message to our generation

This post was written by Laura Bergshoef. Laura went on a volunteering project powered by AIESEC in the Netherlands. We offer international volunteering projects and professional internships with the aim of developing leadership in youth. If you want to read about...

Eu te amo Brazil!

Eu te amo Brazil!

I was looking to leave an impact, not to upgrade my CV. Thankfully, AIESEC let me do both in Brazil.  "My experience taught me more than any book could ever teach me, some things have to be seen in person." As a second year business student, I knew it was time for me...

Let’s discuss the elephant in the water.

Let’s discuss the elephant in the water.

Plastic waste is a huge problem. Every year, 12 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans. It’s time to discuss the elephant in the water. Single-use plastics are a human addiction that we must start facing. Plastic pollution is not only impacting our waters and...